Hybrid Sustainable Worlds


The first research and innovation project promoted by VeGBC and Regione Veneto

HYBRID SUSTAINABLE WORLDS is the first research and innovation project on green building promoted by the Venetian Green Building Cluster Innovative Network and co-financed by the Veneto Region (POR FESR 2014-2020, action 1.1.4 DGR 822/2020). The project involves 21 local companies, four regional universities and a research institution, focusing in particular on the specializations of 5 RIRs (from sustainable living to creative industries), for a total value of 3 million euros, which the POR funds ERDF will cover around 70%.

HYBRID SUSTAINABLE WORLDS focuses on the following enabling technologies to experiment and develop new design and prototyping methods in order to achieve the project objectives:

  • home automation and automation (RIR ICT for Smart and Sustainable Living e RIR Venetian Smart Lighting)
  • technologies for the design and development of buildings, business models and value-added services (RIR Venetian Green Building Cluster)
  • innovation and digitalization in marketing processes (RIR Euteknos)
  • technologies for Cultural Heritage, technologies and virtual realities for artistic and cultural heritage (RIR Venetian Innovation Cluster for Cultural and Environmental Heritage).

Among the ongoing trials there are also those related to the pandemic, or the development of new "anti-Covid" solutions, both related to the management of hospital buildings and schools, and to furnishings and light systems for commerce. The aim is to support responsible and safe management of the interior spaces of buildings, while at the same time acting as an element to relaunch the construction sector, which has been hit hard by the pandemic.

"With HYBRID SUSTAINABLE WORLDS - underlines the president of the Consortium Giovanni Salmistrari - we want to give concrete answers, useful for dealing with emergencies and priorities such as those deriving from the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as looking at the new social needs. The exploitation of the great potential of small, medium and large companies makes investments in innovation a priority at the business level."

As indicated by the scientific coordinator of RIR ICT for Smart and Sustainable Living, Prof. Luciano Gamberini in the presentation of the project, the aim is to “bring out the potential of virtual-real hybrid systems in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, flexibility, resilience in various application contexts. Hybrid environments are products of technical ingenuity and creativity, and in turn make it possible to multiply creativity and the human intellect by supporting new ways of interacting, creating, designing, producing. The hybrid world will be made up of a single reality in which the dimension of physical reality, robust and static, will be crossed with that of the virtual, flexible and dynamic. It will thus be possible to ensure more sustainable development, greater guarantees for the environment, better places to live, new ways of living together and interacting socially. "

Finally, the coordinator of the RIR, Ing. Mauro Roglieri underlines how "this excellent result is the result of more than two years of work to create and start the works of the Venetian Green Building Cluster Regional Innovative Network, giving the definitive go-ahead to business networking. , universities and local financial institutions on the theme of green building. The goal is to create innovative products and services, collaborations and aggregations between companies in the supply chain, combining objectives of economic development and decarbonisation of the economy. "

The project is part of the strategy of the Veneto Region to support research paths and results aimed at encouraging the growth of economic supply chains in terms of solutions for sustainability by making the best use of the potential of innovation, favoring synergies between the productive fabric, universities and institutions of Research.

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Veneto Region's POR FESR 2014-2020

The Regional Operational Program (POR) is the tool through which the Veneto Region, thanks to the approximately 600 million euros made available by the European Union, the State and the Region itself, developed in 2014 to 2020 a social and economic growth plan in the fields of industrial development, digital agenda, environment and innovation.

The Program is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, briefly called ERDF, which is one of the European Structural and Investment Funds and the main instrument of the European Union's regional policy.

The POR FESR 2014-2020 of the Veneto Region focuses on 7 priority axes of intervention.

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