dBC Digital Objects Collections


dBC's Digital Objects Collections

DBC's Digital Objects Collection is a web application that stores and presents digital 3D models and basic data on cultural heritage objects of various kinds, from museum artifacts, to texts, to historic buildings.

The objects, which may be physically conserved in different places (museums, private or public collections, archives), once having been analyzed and scanned using state of the art techniques, are archived in a repository mantained by the IT Team of the Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali and exposed to the public and to operators via this application.

The pourpose is to offer to the public the chance to view and analyze items which are not always exposed, that are out of their reach or expensive (also in terms of environment sustainability) to reach, so to let scholars, students and passionate people to have free and easy access to the highest possible number of objects and information.

Born as a spin-off evolution of the "Hybrid Sustainable Worlds" project, dBCDOC has now become a reference in the daily work of our cultural heritage department and is prepared to host a boosting number of objects coming from very different sources.

If you would like to collaborate with this project please refer to our Contacts page.